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Help Your Employees Take Charge of Their Health.

Health and wellness is receiving a lot of attention in today's workplace. 这是因为研究告诉我们,工作场所的健康对雇主和员工都有效. 研究表明,超过50%的医疗费用是由个人行为造成的.这就是CalvertHealth的KeepWell@Work程序可以真正改变你的底线的地方. 通过鼓励你的员工采取更健康的行为,你可以降低你的医疗成本.

We've already done it successfully in our own workplace. Now, let CalvertHealth design a customized program for your worksite. 它可以像血压筛查一样简单,也可以更全面地根据你的具体需求提供一系列服务.

CalvertHealth is ready to be your partner in worksite wellness. 无论您是大公司还是小公司,我们都能帮助您改善员工的健康状况. 请拨打410-535-8233开始.



  • Weight reduction
  • 提高身体素质
  • 增加耐力
  • 更低的压力
  • Increased well-being, self-image and self-esteem

  • Enhanced recruitment/retention of healthy employees
  • 降低医疗成本
  • Decreased rates of illness and injuries
  • 减少员工缺勤
  • Improved employee relations and morale
  • 提高了生产率
研究表明,超过50%的医疗费用是由个人行为造成的. 这就是CalvertHealth的KeepWell@Work程序可以真正改变你的底线的地方. 通过鼓励你的员工采取更健康的行为,你可以降低你的医疗成本.

CalvertHealth is ready to be your partner in worksite wellness. 无论您是大公司还是小公司,我们都能帮助您改善员工的健康状况.


卡尔弗特县公立学校|查尔斯县公立学校| ARC |卡尔弗特临终关怀

How To Start

These instructions will help you get started with the KeepWell@Work program. 就像1-2-3一样简单!

Step 1:

Please email keepwell@calverthealthmed.org or call 410-535-8233.


All employees and family members who joined, or renewed, 在以前的入学期间都需要填写在线问卷,并每年进行生物识别,以便维护, or renew, 他们的健康益处, 包括世界健身房会员.

Please complete the User ID Request form above to begin the renewal process.

Effective July 1, 2016, 所有续期参与者必须在完成生物识别时支付年度HRA续期费. 参加者负责支付13美元的HRA费用(26美元HRA总费用的一半).The remaining portion of the annual HRA fee is paid by World Gym. 每年的HRA续期费用不能通过工资扣除的方式支付.

Step 2:


Once you have your user ID and password, click here to access the Online Questionnaire Website.


Step 3:

Attend one of the enrollment sessions. You will complete the sign up process at the enrollment session.

What is a Health Risk Assessment (HRA)?

HRA包括在线问卷和生物识别技术来评估你的整体健康状况, which is a great way to start any health program.



18岁及以上的参与者需要完成在线问卷和生物识别. 18岁以下的参与者需要完成生物识别,但不需要完成在线问卷.

Family members can join the KeepWell@Work program. 但是,CCPS员工必须参加,以确保家庭成员的资格. 如果CCPS员工不参加,家庭成员没有资格获得任何健康福利. CCPS employee participation is defined as, at minimum, 完成在线问卷, 参加登记会议,完成生物识别并签署工资扣除表. The CCPS employee must be present at the time of family member enrollment. 如果CCPS员工不在场,家庭成员将不被允许参加.

How often do I have to complete the online questionnaire and biometrics?

参与者需要每年完成在线问卷(如果适用)和生物识别,以更新他们的健康福利, including any Gym Memberships and/or Weight Management programs.

如果您在2016年夏季完成了问卷调查(如果适用)和生物识别, 您需要在2017年夏季再次完成问卷调查和生物识别. This applies to both the CCPS employee and any family members.


Effective July 1, 2016, 所有续期参与者必须在完成生物识别时支付年度HRA续期费. 参加者负责支付13美元的HRA费用(26美元HRA总费用的一半).The remaining portion of the annual HRA fee is paid by World Gym. 每年的HRA续期费用不能通过工资扣除的方式支付.

When do I need to complete the Online Questionnaire?

在线问卷必须在参加注册会议之前完成. 参加注册会议的参与者在完成不完整的在线问卷后,将被要求在稍后的日期返回. 在任何联网设备上完成问卷大约需要10-15分钟. Recommended browsers include Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Difficulties have been reported with Safari and Internet Explorer.



Blood Pressure
Body Composition


KeepWell does not offer lab draws through this program. A copy of lab work can be submitted for inclusion in the PWP Report. 有兴趣提交实验工作的参与者应将结果的硬拷贝带到报名环节或将结果副本传真到KeepWell中心. The KeepWell Center fax number is 410-535-8397.

Who will have access to my information?

All of the information we receive from your HRA remains confidential. It is not given to any insurance companies or to your employer. After the end of the enrollment period, you will receive a notice that your report is ready to be downloaded. You can share your reports with any friends, family members or co-workers. CalvertHealth does not share the specific information from your report.

Gym Memberships

KeepWell@Work members are eligible for a discounted World Gym Membership. 世界健身房会员资格是通过CCPS员工的半月工资扣除来处理的.

以下所有部分必须由每个参与成员(CCPS员工和家庭成员)完成, where applicable) to be eligible for the discounted World Gym Membership:

Annual Completion of a Health Risk Assessment (HRA), including:
Online Questionnaire (participants 18 and older)
Biometrics (Height, Weight, Blood Pressure & 身体成分)
KeepWell@Work会员完成上述注册要求,即可获得1年无限制世界健身房会员资格. World Gym Locations included in the Unlimited Membership are: La Plata, Waldorf, Prince Frederick, Owings, Lusby, Leonardtown, 莱克星顿公园.


The price for family members and employees is $20.每人每月00美元. 这被当作10美元来处理.从CCPS员工的工资中扣除每个人的半月工资. Membership dues can only be processed through payroll deduction. Each person is required to have their own, separate membership; there are no "shared" gym memberships.

所有新会员(注册时不是世界健身房的现有会员)都需要支付26美元的注册费. This enrollment fee must be paid at the time of sign-up. Payment of the enrollment fee is only accepted in the form of cash or check. Credit and/or debit cards are not accepted.


RETURNING KEEPWELL@WORK MEMBERS: Effective July 1, 2016, 所有续期参与者必须在完成生物识别时支付年度HRA续期费. 参加者负责支付13美元的HRA费用(26美元HRA总费用的一半).The remaining portion of the annual HRA fee is paid by World Gym. 每年的HRA续期费用不能通过工资扣除的方式支付.


A “Point System” is used for 正确饮食营养服务. 参与者将获得总共120个“积分”(每人),可以全年使用. 这种“积分系统”旨在为参加各种项目提供更大的灵活性和更多的机会.

The cost is $10.每人每月00美元 through payroll deduction ($5.00 semi-monthly).

Different programs have different point values. This allows for more flexibility in selecting classes and programs. Programs you can choose from include, but are not limited to:

  • 健康体重挑战 & Programs
  • 个人营养咨询
  • 与营养师共进晚餐
  • 终生减肥
  • 为健康称重
  • 正确饮食在线指导
  • 三天饮食日记分析
  • 个性化膳食计划


The Fall 2017 enrollment period officially launches on Tuesday, September 5 at the Patuxent Health Center!

从周二开始,CalvertHealth的KeepWell中心可以提前登记, August 1.


Tuesday, September 5: 4-6pm, Patuxent Health Center (PHC)
Thursday, September 7: 4-6pm, Solomons KeepWell Center
Monday, September 11: 4-6pm, Owings World Gym
Thursday, September 14: 4-6pm, Solomons KeepWell Center
Monday, September 18: 4-6pm, Owings World Gym
Thursday, September 21: 4-6pm, Solomons KeepWell Center
Monday, September 25: 4-6pm, Owings World Gym
Thursday, September 28: 4-6pm, Solomons KeepWell Center
FINAL SESSION! Saturday, September 30: 9am-12pm, PHC

Please email keepwell@calverthealthmed.org or call 410-535-8233 to schedule an appointment outside of the Enrollment Sessions listed above.
